Installing → Software Requirements

The OnDemand module supports inferring geographic location based on the IP address in the Open OnDemand logs. The IP address to location lookup uses a GeoLite2 City binary database (MMDB) file, which is not supplied and must be downloaded separately.

The XDMoD OnDemand module has been tested with MaxMind’s free GeoLite2 City database.

The MMDB file should be saved in a path that the xdmod user account has read access. The MMDB file is read by the process that loads information into XDMoD datawarehouse.

An MMDB database file is only required for, and used by, the location lookup when log data are loaded into XDMoD. If no database file is available, then the location information for all sessions will show as ‘Unknown’. However all of the other data dimensions are unaffected.

Next Step

Next install the package.